Men of talent come out in succession Able men are coming forward in multitudes of a district give birth to talented people from generation to generation Large numbers of outstanding people come forward people of talent coming forth in large numbers
A remarkable place produces outstanding people a place propitious for giving birth to great men The glory of a place leads greatness to the people there
a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe This well-endowed region has brought forward men of talent
Men of talent come out in succession Able men are coming forward in multitudes of a district give birth to talented people from generation to generation Large numbers of outstanding people come forward people of talent coming forth in large numbers
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。