deal with sb on good faith open one's heart to sb talk frankly without hedging about treat sb with sincerity
apply oneself to bone up on put one's back into be wedded to keep one's mind on throw oneself heart and soul into wholly absorbed with single-hearted devotion with singleness of purpose
harbour evil intent towards cherish dark designs with an ulterior motive with concealed intentions
hidden ulterior not to be divulged ulterior motives that cannot bear the light of day will not stand exposure to the light of day
a velvet paw hide a dagger behind a smile an iron hand in a velvet glove Velvet paws hide sharp claws
harbour evil intent towards cherish dark designs with an ulterior motive with concealed intentions
hidden ulterior not to be divulged ulterior motives that cannot bear the light of day will not stand exposure to the light of day
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。