Peace reigns over the land All is at peace piping times of peace for the country The whole world is at peace
a mountain of swords and a sea of flames -- most dangerous places most severe trials immense dangers and difficulties
a wide expanse of mist-covered waters be a vast expanse of water mists and ripples -- river scenery Mists and waves stretch far into the distance
brew storms on rivers and seas overturn rivers and seas -- use every effort with the momentum of an avalanche with an overwhelming force
encourage monsters to stalk abroad making trouble causing disorder give countenance to evil elements in their activities conjure up a host of demons to make trouble stir up trouble play the devil
a mountain of swords and a sea of flames -- most dangerous places most severe trials immense dangers and difficulties
a wide expanse of mist-covered waters be a vast expanse of water mists and ripples -- river scenery Mists and waves stretch far into the distance
brew storms on rivers and seas overturn rivers and seas -- use every effort with the momentum of an avalanche with an overwhelming force
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。