regard with equanimity bear hardship with equanimity put up sth with grace regard wrongdoing with indifference take it very calmly
look unperturbed be perfectly calm and collected in an assured condition show composure and presence of mind with an easy self-possessed mien
not bat an eyelid not bat an eyelash not bat and eye not stir an eyelid without turning an eyebrow
go on talking and laughing as if nothing has happened be completely at ease continue one's gay chatter as if nothing has happened talk and laugh naturally
be perfectly calm and collected be in possession of oneself with great presence of mind not turn a hair undismayed unflappable with great composure without turning a hair
regard with equanimity bear hardship with equanimity put up sth with grace regard wrongdoing with indifference take it very calmly
look unperturbed be perfectly calm and collected in an assured condition show composure and presence of mind with an easy self-possessed mien
not bat an eyelid not bat an eyelash not bat and eye not stir an eyelid without turning an eyebrow
go on talking and laughing as if nothing has happened be completely at ease continue one's gay chatter as if nothing has happened talk and laugh naturally
be perfectly calm and collected be in possession of oneself with great presence of mind not turn a hair undismayed unflappable with great composure without turning a hair
rise to one's full height and smite the table pound the table and jump to one's feet pound the table and stand up smite the table and rise to one's feet
ill at ease be very upset be in fidgets be in a rather nervous state be on nettles be overwhelmed with anxiety be thrown into a flutter feel troubled and uneasy fret and fume nervous and uneasy
in an awkward position in an awkward predicament in a quandary in an embarrassing situation up a stump
scare the shit out of sb be frightened out of one's wits piss in one's pants in terror wet one's pants in terror
raise false alarms alarm one's own group etc create disturbances within one's ranks frighten and trouble one another
rise to one's full height and smite the table pound the table and jump to one's feet pound the table and stand up smite the table and rise to one's feet
ill at ease be very upset be in fidgets be in a rather nervous state be on nettles be overwhelmed with anxiety be thrown into a flutter feel troubled and uneasy fret and fume nervous and uneasy
in an awkward position in an awkward predicament in a quandary in an embarrassing situation up a stump
scare the shit out of sb be frightened out of one's wits piss in one's pants in terror wet one's pants in terror
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。