yield twice the result with half the effort By doing half the work one will get double the result get twofold results with half the effort half the work with double results
the loss outweights the gain get more kicks than halfpence be not worth the candle pay for one's whistle
yield twice the result with half the effort By doing half the work one will get double the result get twofold results with half the effort half the work with double results
The hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken -- all is lost come out empty-handed dead loss
the loss outweights the gain get more kicks than halfpence be not worth the candle pay for one's whistle
spoil the ship for a halfpennyworth of tar try to save a little but lose a lot cannot see the woods for the trees
suffer heavy casualties lose one's generals and soldiers The army is defeated the generals have been slain
The hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken -- all is lost come out empty-handed dead loss
the loss outweights the gain get more kicks than halfpence be not worth the candle pay for one's whistle
spoil the ship for a halfpennyworth of tar try to save a little but lose a lot cannot see the woods for the trees
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。