英 [ˌself rɪˈlaɪəns]
美 [ˌself rɪˈlaɪəns]
be independent stand on one's own act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands
fend for oneself paddle one's own canoe stand on one's own feet and earn one's own living support oneself
build up from nothing start from scratch pull oneself up by one's own bootlaces pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps rise from obscurity
autonomously act on one's own be one's own master decide for oneself keep the initiative in one's own hands
be independent stand on one's own act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands
fend for oneself paddle one's own canoe stand on one's own feet and earn one's own living support oneself
build up from nothing start from scratch pull oneself up by one's own bootlaces pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps rise from obscurity
curry favour with those in power attach oneself to others depend on others dependent rely on powerful friends
rely on sb for a living be under sb 's roof depend upon sb 's whims and pleasures live at sb 's mercy
ask favours of relatives and friends appeal to one's relatives and friends for help live on relatives and friends
sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work just sit back and leave others to find a way out One beats the bush and another catches the bird reap where one has not sown
curry favour with those in power attach oneself to others depend on others dependent rely on powerful friends
rely on sb for a living be under sb 's roof depend upon sb 's whims and pleasures live at sb 's mercy
ask favours of relatives and friends appeal to one's relatives and friends for help live on relatives and friends
sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work just sit back and leave others to find a way out One beats the bush and another catches the bird reap where one has not sown
self-sufficiency self-development constraining ideologies capitalism cultivating capacities open-mindedness fostering advocating examines self-discipline disciplined self-direction methodological self-sacrifice self-sufficient self-control self-regulation collectivism ideals intellectuals mindsets influencing optimists aspirations innovation. goal-setting economically selfishness
exaggerations 哺乳期 溫度影響小 interest-only scma ahead-of-time last-modified 在街角 復合函數的定義域 self-reliance
1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。